nonsensical nonsense
It's been a while since I last updated my blog...
That's pretty much how my life is. Unassuming, average Joe, with a generous serving of awkwardness and a pinch weirdism (I coined that term so... :D)
Been making the effort to run at least twice a week. Contemplated on death and the ritual tied to bury the dead...
I'm not gonna say anything about the rituals on it since it's not my business, I'm just thinking on more about my own death.
Back then, I had this idea of setting my body on fire and dump the dust on the evening winds by the sea. That came from watching Arthur. You know, Sean Connery as King Arthur... Can't be sure of the movie title... but I remember the ending. King dies, body laid on woodpile, cast to the ocean/lake/big body of water and a sole archer shoot a flaming arrow at it to set it alight. Burn, flame, ash. Instant Cremation.
Then I had another reflect back on this dead stuff... Now, I'm considering either that, or just my Last Rite's and 6 foot deep under. Nothing extravagant. Though it would be cool, i think to have my body cremated and put inside a urn, right after I've been given the Last Rite's of course, and displayed at my kid's/grandkid's home. Hey, imagine the kids telling his friends:
"Hey guys, that's my great(to the power of n) grandpa right over there! Isn't that cool?!" I bet the friends would be in shock or in awe or just dang curious to open up and breath in my remains. Muahahahaha!
Yea, I think really weird things. And I talked to myself about this in my head before I got it all down. And all this sparked from watching the Discovery Channel on the topic of Afterlife.
Speaking of talking to myself, I did talked about changing my blog template before... I was thinking of taking the current one and just really strip it of the images and the current formats. I hope that's not illegal... PLease let me know if I am. Besides, I need to clean up my blog.
Speaking of cleaning up, I'm in the middle of cleaning up, categorizing, arranging, sorting, inventorizing and renaming all my stufff on my hard drive. Tons of documents, music, applications... My head is spinning! After which, I'm gonna do another clean format and re-partition my hard drives again. Oh, and I'm gonna get a new P3 processor soon. And as usal I'm gonna clock it. hehehehe...
Plus I found this gem! Go! Support them! And also, Anarchy Online! Sweet...
Went to see the doctor this morning regarding me cough. Gave me usual meds, antiobiotics galore and cough meds. I spit out blood today, so that's probalby why the doc said if the meds dont work, I'll need to get radiated to see if anything sinister is at work. Oh well... I'm suspecting its the blood form my gums. Yeah, I still haven't made the appointment to perform dental surgery on my teeth.
Oh well... Gotta go now. Take care eh.
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