Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Real life is keeping me away long enough from my incessent need to post ranty, angsty, selamba, lovey-dovey *DOH!* stuff....

Now, the hunger can no longer be ignored. Must. Feed.

I have decided to write my thoughts out on paper since Mac had indicated of the wanting to write actual, complete sentences (or paragraphs, or the whole thing) on pen and paper. I have so far filled only 3 pages (notebook-sized page) of it. Hmm... will take a snapshot of it and post it later. And I have found that non-lyrical i.e. no audible singing or none at all tends to help me write better, but I wouldn't bet on it since I still write very incoherently.

Hmmm, dang, where the heck in Kuching are my colleagues with me Chikin lice?! *grumble*

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