Friday, December 09, 2005


Hello again everyone.

Firstly, apologies for being quiet all of a sudden. It's just that there's stuff taht happening in my life right now and it's pretty draining. In other words, I'm just tired of it. And I don't feel like blogging it here too.

In other, more recent and happier news.

Thanks for the well wishes, birthday wishes/cheers and the occasional grandpa-getting-older-joke guys!
You all rock!

The witch queen rocks! Why? because she can dual weild! Dual Weild!! Plus, the headgear she wore when she went to battle looks very nice indeed. Kinda reminds me of the dragon helm in Guild Wars. Speaking of Guild Wars, there was an initial on the barricade at the train station when they were bus evacuating the children. It's stated:

The first that came to mind, Guild Wars refugee!

Yes, I'm a Guild War's fan. :D

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