Friday, July 29, 2005

I want an AnthroPC!

Asian movie about swords.

Dinner at the newly opened Indian cafe. Well, not exactly-lah since I had my dinner at home.

And a:

Edit: 4:30p.m

I'm bleeding off my ear. Well, not exactly. I popped a zit at the back of my ear. Plus, my senior trainer is pissed so I might write this down to humor myself, all bloody and all. Oh and don't worry, I washed my hands off blood before I typed this all down. Hee.....

Weirdo I am...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Unlike the sugesstive title for this post, this is just a bunch of ramblings in 5 minutes.

Last Friday, the same day I got drunk, my dad bought the family a new 29-inch box, 5.1 speakers and DVD player.

Last Saturday, broke my back helping my dad carry the old tv set to my grandpa's place. Up the hill. And my dad got a bag of sago worms. Mmmm....

Admitted to the hopspital at 5-6 in the morning due to the general rash developed from sago worms consumptions. Oh, and the sago worms looked a bit like them worms in the tequila bottle's, except fatter. Could be wrong though.

Now, my legs are really aching from running. Seriously need to get back in shape. Oh and just got a call from Maria, fellow kaki-tengok-movie. Going to catch Fantastic 4. Ain't complaining here, since she's buying.

Work-wise, it's a crazy month. Out of the blue, every company/organisation is calling training companies requesting room rental, PC rental, or training, on the same date! What the durian?!


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

When Two Endless Meet

Life Sucks: Blow it in the face then.

Life Stinks: Get a shower, or a deodorant.

Life's a Bitch: Slap her in the face then or anything that you do to bitches.

I know someone is doing a *ROFL* out of this. Maybe I should stick that on my car...

Late Night Muse with ME!

I just noticed something.

I have been a blogger since May 2004.

As of now, this blog is 1 year, 1 months and 26 days old. (I think, my math sucks after midnight)



Monday, July 25, 2005


The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Moderate
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Test

Took that from Raven

Edit: 8:00 p.m.

Did the personality disorder and this is my result:

Dependent:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Information --

Saturday, July 23, 2005


I remember pouring the vodak without the Sprite to dilute it.

I remember my world started to spin, wrap, slowed down, etc. by the 4th serving.

I remember the talk about piercing, the sexpo, the talk about the girl whose breast were so perky that she could jiggle them like a man flexing his chest muscles and she didn't need to wear bra.

I remember myself saying "If a guy can give a good head to his girl, he's for keeps".

I remember nearly passing asleep while taking a leak in the toilet.

I remember 'Double E' said to me that he could smell the alcohol from my mouth where he is sitting.

I remember meeting 1,2,3,4,5 friends unexpectedly in SOHO. That was nice.

I remember driving home feeling completely numb and honked by a Mercedez because I drove like a drunkard and at a point reaching 120Kph but still nowhere near the speeds of the modified Iswara and the Corolla.

I remember calling up Charlz because I remember telling her before we left that I'd give her a call to make sure I'm home, alive and in 1 piece.

I remember walking like an idiot and a klutz trying to change my clothes.

I remember passing out flumped on my bed only to wake up later to rush to the toilet.

I remember making friends with the toilet bowl, going down on my hands and knees and puking.

I remember waking up in my bed 4 hours later to get to work while struggling with my hangover.

I remember feeling, reacting and quite possibly looking like a zombie at work and sleeping the last working hour because my job was done and I couldn't care less if my boss didn't like it one bit.

Let's do it again! Hee........

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Lunch Muse

Don't you find it annoying that when the public broadcast station's start either playnig a song, video, movie, you're enjoying it and then, something gets cut, filtered, altered. In other words censored.

It's annoying. Real annoying. Censorship board. *Roll Eyes*.

But. It amusing to find that their English mastery isn't... current. They dont seem to understand the meaning "holding up a store".

Oh ya, anyone wanting to buy books, science, fiction, magazine's, comic's, whatever at Times, let me know (via e-mail, comments, whatnot...). I want to put my privelege card to good use. I haven't use that card since I got it in... 2003, 2004? It's due expiration is September 2006. And no, there's no points in doing this.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Haven't got much to say. Currently, Ol' geezer a.k.a Ancient a.k.a me ole P3 machine is going through a data re-structuring. Gigabytes upon gigabytes of stuff scattered all over my hard drives.

A total of 200 Gigs of space and already I'm running out.

Heh. *idiot grin*

Gotta call my friend up and take his stuff. After that, it's due for another re-format. Then gotta re-wire my LAN connection. Streamyx seems to be lagging real bad here. Still forgotten to take photo of Ol'geezer.

Finally gotten myself a digital tuner and capo for my guitar. I desperately needed a tuner especially since I'm tone-deaf. At least with the help of that tuner, I can tune my guitar myself, and hopefully be able to tune by ear one day. Hmmm.... seems that all that vocal training and music lessons I took when I was still studying in uni didn't help much. Oh well...

After months of neglecting my guitar and forgetting what was the main purpose in getting one, I'm finally learning to play. Again. And my fingers hurt. Should get it re-strings. Or I could wait for the first string to snap (and probably take my pinky along) then get it done.

Maybe I should take a photo of the tuner, capo, and my guitar before and after it's re-stringed. Then it's a matter of remembering to post them and not being lazy to do it. *idiot grin* Hmmm... I think I'll try and look for Lee's Music Shop and get it done there, since Mac said they did a great job at his guitar.

Finally bought me a pair of Boots of Haste, I mean, running shoes. Heee...... And as a result of a couch potato lifestyle and smoking, my whole body aches. My sides even aches when I cough or sneeze. Yea, I'm in a terrible shape. :P

And I finally kicked myself in the nuts hard enough to get me, myself and moir to clean my messy, all-over-the-place, paper-everywhere, dust-crusted, cobweb-on-the-edges room. I live in a pig sty that is my room. I'm not gonna take a photo of my own room though. Not at least till I change the weeks old bed sheet covers.

When do I forsee myself to get all that done? If I'm lucky, motivated, and not lounging around, by the end of the week. Hehe. Why would want to even blog about this? No reason. :D

Wow, did not expect to be this long... wow...

Friday, July 15, 2005

Attack of the Tyke

Meet Tyke, a pup I simply stick a name to it. He's my neighbour's dog. And boy does he have some teeth!


Tyke - Pose

Tyke - Sitting


*Covers ears to avoid SQUEE damage*

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

A few days ago

Right before I was down with the sore throat, flu and fever thingy, I went to get my hair cut.

At first, I didnt want to because I was lazy to get my hair cut (lame excuse, I know) and secondly, I am totally clueless as to what sort of hair style would fit my hair and my mug a.k.a face or how I wanted my hair cut (which is the first question they ask before they even touch my hair).

I used to regularly patron this shop near where I live. I was a kid back then and the only hair instruction I gave to the barber was from my mum (yea, I was a dorky, geeky, bully's favourite kid). Then I decided keep my hair long.

So now, if I ever need a hair cut, I go to Classic Vogue in K.P. (that's Kuching Plaza) that Raven recommended some time ago.

Sttep price, but well worth it. I had learn stuff about hair do's and don't when it comes to hair care, shampoo and conditioner and what not to do if i've recently straightened my hair and dyed (yea, I had a Ah Beng phase). Anyways, without further ado, the photo's of before and after!

36-mirror shot

BeforeAnd after parting RM18, 2 hours plus (there was only 2 qualified barbers and 2 foreigner's ladies braiding their hair), a hair wash (which gave a very good head massage and not THAT head massage you perv!) and blow dry and hair style to add the finishing touches

New Hair cut

This was taken at the office today, by the way.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Dang it.

52-light streak

First it was the ear.

Yesterday was the sore throat.

Today, sneezing my head off.

Tomorrow is anyone's guess

Take care now.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Hari Ini Saya...

RWMF day 1.

Did my usual thing. Got to the office, turn on the computer, updated the antivirus, logged into Yahoo Messenger.

Surfed the web, checked mail, read some stuff from Marita, Dee, Mac, Rin, Velvetraven, Kenny.

Then I checked my friendster account. Nothing much to do there, checked some bulletin postings, and out of morbid curiosity, I searched for Kenny's account.

You know that horrorscope thingymado they added to Friendster? Well... this is just wrong(to me anyway).


Kenny, I dont know how you feel about this but I dont feel that way. I'm straight, and plus I'm taken. And I have hairy legs. You dont like hairy legs, right? Or was it that you find it a challenge that some one else has more hair than you, or was it your balls?

You all know this is just light-hearted humour, right?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

H8 fest

I hate anti-biotics. Hate , hate, LOATHE!

I hate the taste (if I were to somehow expose my tongue to the white, horrible powdery stuff that is not anthrax) and I hate the smell even more. Especially when I get gas coming up to exit through my mouth.



All this because an insect just had to crawl up my ear and die. What the hell did I do to deserve this? Rhetorical question, don't answer.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Sematan Trip

It was on a Thursday night, my dad asked if I wanted to follow for a trip to Sematan. We left on a Saturday morning and came back Sunday afternoon.

Pictures here.

Edit: I'm guessing that Mac, Rin, Raven & Shook, Will and Death would be interested to check it out. And they have barbeque stands!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Steven Spielberg should've hired me

Coffee+Lunch break+supervision free+PC+full stomach load of curry chicken rice =


War of the Worlds, bebeh(sengaja di-spell dengan seteruk-teeruks). Hopefully I might be able to catch it.