Friday, July 08, 2005

Hari Ini Saya...

RWMF day 1.

Did my usual thing. Got to the office, turn on the computer, updated the antivirus, logged into Yahoo Messenger.

Surfed the web, checked mail, read some stuff from Marita, Dee, Mac, Rin, Velvetraven, Kenny.

Then I checked my friendster account. Nothing much to do there, checked some bulletin postings, and out of morbid curiosity, I searched for Kenny's account.

You know that horrorscope thingymado they added to Friendster? Well... this is just wrong(to me anyway).


Kenny, I dont know how you feel about this but I dont feel that way. I'm straight, and plus I'm taken. And I have hairy legs. You dont like hairy legs, right? Or was it that you find it a challenge that some one else has more hair than you, or was it your balls?

You all know this is just light-hearted humour, right?

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