Thursday, March 31, 2005


My attempt to post pictures with the use of BloggerBot
I put it there with Hello's help

*grumbling tummy*

I'm broke, and my @~#~%! boss still hasn't paid any of his employee's. Why am I still here? Maybe it's because of all the free certifications I might get, or maybe I'm still looking for a better job.

I wanted to post pictures here but so lazy lah.... Anyway, added new blog links, Sativa, dmono, Kenny Sia, and Peter Tan.

Kept telling myself to add them in but was always forgotla, or lazy la, or no mood la, or some lame stupid-lazy-arsed-lame reason-la...

Bowling For Soup's 1985 song rocks! And so is Yellowcard's Only One.

Argh! I listened to emo song! Woe is me! *ROFL*

Nah, I'm cool. Like the moment I blurted out that girl (that looked like a man with long hair and I'm not refering to Mac) reminds me of X, Azreen and
Mac were like "Oh man, get over it! Stop! Dont go there! Move on!".

I'm fine. Really.

Really, guys.

Look, I'm fine, Okay?

Oh, and I had my usual fix of Caramel Ice Blended Mocha with Cream. Man, that's good..... *goosebumps*

I'm planning to do a road trip soon. Preferably within 3 months planning time. Am not sure of when exactly or even where. Though I might go to Miri sometime in May for the ceremony of bestowing the title "City".
It's still in the works. I need to find the cash and the time. There's also the Rainforest Music Festival, and Gawai.

*Sigh* So many things to say but the words aren't there. Either that or my brain is still off goofing around. Lately, I've been getting a number of good night sleep. Hehehe... I sure hope this is a good thing, but let's not jinx it for now shall we?

Oh and one more thing, my room was broken into again. So the first thing I'm gonna get is a double padlock for my door. Maybe then they'll get the message, Locked means LOCKED. Oh, I'm not worked up about it. Blogger was having "technical issues" so no point reliving it again...


Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Meme's In Class

Took it of the friendster bulletine.

01. What's the first thing you do when you wake up
in the morning?
Shut off my snooze alarm on the phone, and gently fall back to sleep.... *GAK* Im awake!

02. What was the first concert you went to?
Cant remember. I think I hated it.

03. What song do you wish you write?
I-hate-the-world-and-I-want-to-scrap-your-guts-out-and-pour-salt-on-open-infested-gangreen-wound-while-you're-still-alive song

04. What is the best piece of advice you've ever
Get over her and move on.

05. What is your most treasured material
MP3 player, I think

06. Who was the last person you slept with?
Me, myself and I

07. What do you think of Eminem?
Angst-ridden, sacarstic, hates-the-world, loving father.

08. When did you last cry and why?
2,3 weeks ago, why? When a man breaks down and cry, he has to justify why he broke down?!

09. What characteristics do you think you've
inherited from your parents?
hyenna laugh from my dad, sacarsm from my mum.

10. What are you like when you're moody?

11. Pick five words to describe yourself.
blurry, excitable, firecracker, weird, wuss

12. Is there one piece of criticism that sticks in
your mind?
Yeah, *snicker* riiight (sacarsticly)

13. Do you believe in God?
How dare you question my faith?! eat lightning!

14. What's your most unpleasant characteristic?
Rarely seen nova-blast emotion, with shouts and profanity to boot

15. What's your greatest fear?
Die a lonely death

16. What ambitions do you still have to fulfil?
Fall in love, get rich, work in a custom fabrication shop

17. Are you afraid of failure?
Yes, so much so up to the point I dont care if I fail miserably

18. What do you never leave home without?
Sling bag, mp3 player, military camo jacket

19. Who is your best male and best female friend?
male= petrus; female= Amelia

20. Who would you most like to meet?
Any horny skanky bitch

21. What music would you have played at your
Dashboard Confessional - End Of An Anchor

22. When you look in the mirror do you like what
you see?

23. Do you have anything to declare?
No, because that black bag full of C4's and Anthrax vials and plutonium rods isn't mine

Its Official...

:D <------ That's gonna be my constant expression for a few days...

me:"Yep, he's lost it"

myself:"what? lost marble's la?"

I: "DUH! *dumbass*"

myself:"Who u calling dumbass, dumbass?!"

me:"Well, you are a quite blur and duh at times"


HOI! Orang mau tidolah!

Monday, March 28, 2005

Bored outta mai skall

find your element

What Type of Villain are You?

Find your Role-Playing

Take the What Type of Friend are
quiz, and visit

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?

EDIT - 28-03-2005 5:15PM. More quiz taken to alleviate boredom, loneliness and fucking depression. Sacarsm is so me today.

Which Sandman Character Are You?

Can it, you're Bender!

In the robot world, you are a bit of a lightweight in the colossal death league, but you do mutter "kill all humans" in your sleep - and after all, it's the thought that counts. We love you because you drink, steal, smoke cigars and gamble away things that aren't even yours. You've got what it takes. You're the right stuff.

Tell the world you're the Homer Simpson of the future with the following picture:
Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

I am Rabies. Grrrrrrrr!
Congratulations, you're rabies!

Transmitted by rabid animals, you're most commonly found infecting creatures such as raccoons, skunks, bats and foxes. But don't worry, you affect humans too, causing either paralysis or hyperactivity in your advanced stages, and ultimately death.

Your most famous symptom is hypersalviation - that delightful foaming at the mouth that we have come to know and indeed love. However, you can also cause hallucination; think of the fun you could have at parties!

If you wish, you can proudly tell the world that you kill dogs with the following fine graphic:
Which Horrible Affliction are you?
A Rum and Monkey disease.

Are You Damned?

Pure as the driven snow, you are waiting until the afterlife for your reward. Maybe you have had to repress some urges, screw down some feelings, squash some temptations and sometimes stop yourself from having fun. Don't worry. It's probably been worth it.
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Attention Blackhole

Logged into Lifelogger and accidentally pressed the 'Enter' key and the mesage box came up saying:

"Um, there's a reason for a password you know."


That just cracked me up.

Sorry I havent been updating my blog lately. Life got sucked. I'm still alive and breathing and well.....

Damn stupid still ain't working! Aahh FUCK!

Anyways, Happy Easter everyone.

Monday, March 14, 2005

This Is The Last Time

Originally uploaded by keksilang.

Lately my blog entries have been, how shall I say this, shallow?

Well, it has been actually. It's like there's this tiny 4x4 concrete wall locking up my mind from being able to write something.

Maybe tonight there is some thing worth writing, or a bunch of some things to write about. I dont know. This time, I'll just set my mind to auto drive and let my hand type concious-directive free.

i was chatting to Jezsiema earlier today and i think she also noticed that lately, even in my chats with her, i seem distant, forced. I cant be sure of what happened to me lately but I can make a few guesses:

1: I feel vunerable due to my outburst of emotions and letting it all out on my blog and spilling it over messenger that I'm scared that some one just might use that to some evil extent. I dont know who but knowing myself, my paranoia can go a little haywire, and with that, mind-numbing depression.

2: After a sudden outburst of emotion, my mind probably went OFF and took a sabbatical holiday, leaving me in zombie-like state. Not actually having some form of concoiusness to make a ruckuss inside my head. Which is nice, but not for long periods of time.

3: Maybe there's just nothing good, but there's some part of me that is forcing and lying to myself that if i dont put something new, people will stop reading this. So, if my blog feels like they're forced or fake (Heaven forbid!), well it is... except the one with the Brownie Russ and the song lyrics. It was a spur of the moment and I was being emotinal. the puppy reminds me of AS and the song is singing out my emotional tales and past mistakes, present realisation and determination and a hopeful future.

Excuse me for a moment while i listen to the song.

You see, I've been doing some self- re-evaluation. Yep,a re-evaluation. I wanted to find out why I had to go and mess up my life when it's badly messed up in the first place. In truth, I couldnt lie to anyone but myself. Bad stuff. And my ego is heckuva stubborn stain to get rid off. Maybe it never will, but by golly I will scrub my soul and bleach it with Clorox till it's a little more than a inconspicous smudge. Visible, but inconspicous. I would love to have my ego completely erased out of my system for sure, but we all know that ego always has a sneaky way of coming back. I found that out the extremely painful and stupid way.

Thanks again to my fated sister, Jezsiema for the cyber tissue and shoulder.

But till today, i had another session with myself and i noticed i may have changed for the better. I hope i have changed for the better. Let me just get this down and over with it.

Warning: This will be unsuprisingly dirty.

I was a sex-junkie. I wont explain any further. I'll leave it to the readers imagination.

Till today i had a re-cap of my life. i wasn't like how I was before. Before, I never thought I'd get over that. Lets just say that I've been very well behaved for the past 5 months. It may not sound like much but i take a small pride in knowing I can get over this shit. I hope I can stay that way for as long as I could.

Also, I never considered myself a Christian till the time I got to know my ex whom i shall refer to as "MC". Dont even go guessing the name. You see, it was her that i got to know Christ and she never forced me into it. I just made up my mind to become a Catholic. Halfway into the relationship with MC and my passage to understanding Christ, she dropped the 12 tan A-bomb on me. It hurt like hell. My faith was literally shaken and from then on going to church feels like taking bitter coffee with the hottest chillies down my gut and tongue. And I was miserable. Painfully miserable, depressed and alone.

But I made it through the rites and all and I still go to mass. It didnt felt like a chore or a burden, I just dont feel happy. In fact, I think it feels pretty hollow inside me. Its hard to explain this. Please dont start saying anything about putting my faith in Christ. I do have faith, and I do believe whole heartedly in Him. It just really hurts and I feel so helpless. Maybe, I hope, in time, I may find some joy again in going to church and participating in it.

Thankfully however, I haven't seen MC or her family in church that I've been going to. I hope to not see her now. Notice that i dont use the word never, because I have this gut-wrenching feeling that some time in the future, i might stumble into her. God help me that this doesnt happen. That's how much hurt I am feeling right now. And I was always sad at home. I knew that because my mum noticed it.

But that is in the past. I'm still trying very hard to get MC out of my head and out of my entire being. But memories has a habit of lingering around. I will leave it to nothing more than a painful memory.

I've been thinking about AS. AS is some one i did many wrong to. But we've always worked out. We were together for the longest, 3 years solid. And if were to count form the moment we began, we were together for 5, 6 years. And I had to go and mess it all up due to my stupid, ignorant ego.

To miss cayce, remember the little post about men? Here's 2 more:

Men have super-sized, obnoxious, stupid, ignorant, bimbo-ass of an ego the size of the universe.

Men are also are capable of throwing fits, fueled by their Apollo sized rocket fuel ego. This is very bad.

Now, Before the rest of man kind comes here and flames me and possibly cut my weener and stick a prong into my eye, there are men who arent like that, but they are a rare comodity. If you ladies do find them, good for you. I am more like common rock, average and non-attractive. And common.

Now where was I? Right, now even when I was with MC, i do think of AS and wondered how she was doing (obviously sad, you jerk!) and I wanted to find out how she was, but I never did. You can always depend on the guy to never check up on you when you need it. Oh that's another fact about men too. well, since I'm considering this from my point of view of myself.

One day i met her AS online. MC had already dumped me ages ago, so i thought i start the conversation. We talked about how each other was doing, me being dumped, her in a relationship, and the oozing of my emotional to her. I kept myself on a very short leash. I have never called her nor sms-ed her or even meet up with her, only by messenger, and whenever she's online. I was keeping an eye on myself and my emotional reactions when she's online and when she's not online and my mind goes mental, missing her and wondering what could keep her offline the whole day. And in no more than 2 days of not seeing AS online, I was a total emotional wreck, though on the outside, i seem perfectly and emotionally in control, minus the enthusiasm for work. It had been raining like mad in the past days and I was worried sick for her and her family and their house. I wrote an email wondering just how she was doing but i did not call her or sms-ed her. Even when i so desperately want to hear her that she's allright i didnt. She made me promised not to do that and so far, I've been keeping to it. Then out of the blue, she messaged. WHEW! The relief I felt when i found out that she was allright. And her family and their place.

It's so sad. To only realise that I had lost something very precious after i had lost it. I admit, I didn't know how to appreciate her then. Till I realise what a jerk I was and how i miss her, I can only hope that I had learn this lesson. Now that I miss her, I miss her for all the times that we had. There were fights that we had and though i dont miss that, I miss the time we spent. Like driving around, watching tv, walks, my attempt to show off my culinary skills (it was more of a on-the-spot-thing). And the talks about our lives like how bored i was at my work or how the neighhbour was looking at her funny or how boring the lecture is. Trivial stuff, but I miss all that. This was COMPLETELY different from last time of what i miss her about, but I'm not going there.

There was once she asked me put for a drink, and I didnt feel like it and my oversized paranoia and ego made me didnt want to go. When she asked me again some time later in messenger, I said that I would like that very much. I hope we do go out for a drink.

And when she told me something which I wont say to respect her privacy, I was shocked and afraid. Why? Because I was literally terrified of losing her! My heart literally skipped a beat! I couldn't bear the thought of it. If i could cry right now i would but i cant. It's a psychological thing i made to protect myself but I am a wreck inside. And knowing that, I re-examined myself. To see if I am worthy of her, for one last time.

I miss her, and I want nothing more than a chance, a last chance to make it right. To make it all up to her. I want to show her that I am different now, maybe not much different but I want her to know I am better than I was before. There's probably some cringes here and there that I may not notice but show me and I'll iron it out. And since I broke up with her, it's only fair that I should be the one to start putting it back together. And I want to. But you see, she's with some one now. Maybe some one better than me. The memories we had would suffocate me if I would lose her. I'd die. Not as in taking my own life since that's a sin after all, but I will feel that there's nothing left living for. Yes, I know I have friends and families who do care about me and yes I know that there are other fishes in this human sea and I have picked myself up and gathered the pieces together and moved on. But I cannot see how will I move on or how i will find comfort and solace if i lose her. I mean it.

I want to be with her again. But I dont know if she wants me back. I want to tell her how much i truly miss her. I'm different now, I know i am a better person than I was and I want to show that to her. I am longing for this one last chance to make it all work with her, for her.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Brownie Russ

Brownie Russ, originally uploaded by keksilang.

"The Brilliant Dance"

So this is odd,
the painful realization that has all gone wrong.
And nobody cares at all,
and nobody cares at all.

So you buried all your lover's clothes
and burned the letters lover wrote,
but it doesn't make it any better.
Does it make it any better?
And the plaster dented from your fist
in the hall where you had your first kiss
reminds you that the memories will fade.

So this is strange,
our sidestepping has come to be a brilliant dance
where nobody leads at all,
where nobody leads at all.

And the picture frames are facing down
and the ringing from this empty sound
is deafening and keeping you from sleep.
And breathing is a foreign task
and thinking's just too much to ask
and you're measuring your minutes by a clock that's blinking eights.

This is incredible.
Starving, insatiable,
yes, this is love for the first time.
Well you'd like to think that you were invincible.
Yeah, well weren't we all once before we felt loss for the first time?
Well this is the last time.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Ngai Tii...

There a few things i should get down before i lose them. Biasalah, when my brain neurons go loco, there's bound to be a few badly aimed and overshot electrical surge.

What ever...

Lets see, solved the computer problem. Had to dismantel the whole machine, dust it all off, replaced the new mobo battery, and switched back the RAM I was using from a 512 Mb stick to a 256 Mb stick.

No i can overclock here, stabily again. I think I wrongly use the grammar in stabil but i'm too lazy and sleepy to care about it.

On the way back, there's this old geezer waving his hands up and down at a house. He's either drunk or loony or (insert possible conditions here). He saw my car and waved at me to slow down. I slowed down, but not at a complete, hoping for him to say something.

Mind you it was around 1 something in the morning in BDC area where i live. The geezer wasnt saying anything. He just looked at me and I think I saw his hand going to his back like grabbing something, i think.

That was it. I floored it, and he went "Oi!".

Oi ha mik lu lau lang?! seng keng! Aint no way am i gonna let you get to me. Yes, i know, he might in trouble but it's his expression that I didnt like. He's alone anyway, and so am I. I'd rather not go into trouble tonight, thank you.

By the way, here's the English translation:
Oi what you old geezer?! Loony!

I have pictures to put up for the photography meet and some shots i took also. I'll have to get to that soon. This whole month is a roller coaster ride for me. Meetups, ptptn shit, heartache shit, movie goodness, work OVER-stress, cranky computer, Deprived internet fix WHEN i need it, Thick heavy Java goodness, Bings!.

I want to go to Bings! again, budget permitting of course. And I'll have to send mails, resume's, response letter to ptptn pricks, big money win contest, settle my bank book problem thingy, IF i can wake up earlier.

Yes, I hate PTPTN THIS much. Godd night everyone. Sorry, tired to upload any new pics.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Watch More Television

The government encourages us to watch more television.

Yes, the Malaysian government wants Malaysian's to watch more English programmes on television in order to learn and improve the English language in Malaysia

*Rolls on the floor laughing head off*

My Dices

My Dices, originally uploaded by keksilang.


Ahh... better. Sorry for the outburst (which is OBVIOUSLY too late for apologies!) but if i dont let it out of my system i swear i'll swear even worse. Or go ballistic. Or not.

Oh yea, remember the dices i kept on complaining to my friends about not being able to find them and worrying that they might be lost forever?

I found them again. In my drawer. Inside my Pioneer casing. In plain view.

I. Am. SOOOOOO! Going. To Kick myself for this.

I was frantically searching for them last night to bring to the Role Playing Games meetup. And i have to remind myself to bring the few game books i have back in my school days for the next meetup.

Jerome brought RPG RULEBOOKS! WHEE! And dices! WOOHOO! And Gette brought her gamebooks! Cool........

And seriously, though I'm not the youngest by physical age measurements, I am young. Upside the head. Just goes to show how much in the dark i was kept back then.

Hmm... I realise that I'm going incoherent. Oh well.

Oh! And then there were camera's! Cool! And there were shot's being taken! And there were shots of taking shots being taken! What the hell am i saying?!

Coffee makes me go hehe!

The Sister, is cool. Gette Rocks! Vinny is subtle, yet... Eric, well at least my dawg stayed inside, Mac is Mac, as always. Jerome, he's DA MAN! Shook, ah Shook... Fariah, well, she's being very careful about what she says, i think? Me? *shrugs* hehe.

A little clarification for those in the dark (Come to the light!)

The Sister is Azreen, Shook's sister. Vinny's my cousin that i never knew till i was in my 2nd year back in uni. (thanks to my parents for that!) Gette was the 1st time I have met her. I met Mac and Jerome back in my uni days. And i should also say that Mac, Fariah, Shook, The Sister, and Gette all have blogs, as do I. But I met Mac, Fariah and Shook first before i joined the blogging community. Met The Sister and Gette through blog first.

And all I can say is, Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER judge people by looks. If you do, I WILL THROW MY D4 dice to your forehead and prepare for the BOOK OF CRUSHING DOOM and the PEN OF MANY MANY POKING from the Sister! And RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade's) from Mac and other projectile armaments, Shook and his Dive Bomber, Fariah's legion of vampire's, Jerome's 40K Warhammer, and vinny's mob. There are others too but i dont want you to be scared.

And I think i must've caused some form of minor seizure to some of the gang when i was taking shots of them so sorry! I swear, it's the camera! Not me!

Tomorrow is another night I'm looking foward to. Its the photographers meet. At the same place. Hehe, more caramel ice-blended mocha for me!

We should have more of this. Not up to the point its gets boring and repetitive. Oh God please dont let that happen! It's nice to have meetup's with friends. Hang out and let loose and enjoying the company.

Oh, me and Fariah had a moment of umm.... "serious" conversation. Well, I kinda like started it, and she gave me good advices. Actually I KNOW the advice already but sometimes, I just need to hear that from someone.

Oh, and the next time anyone's confused about the difference of being intelligent and being smart, take me as an example:
I'm a degree holder and i cant fix my new line in HTML! Oh, and i dont know the whatshernameagain model for playboy. When Fariah, Shook, Mac, The Sister and Gette found out, Mac was like:

"You dont KNOW who whatshernameagainplayboymodel?" The blank/emotionless/idontgeddit look on my face says it all, or nothing at all. Then they asked like a whole lot of others but i still went *blink* *blink*/.../iseeandhearbutinounderstand look. I mean, The Sister knows who they all are! Oh the shame!

Ahh, 20 more hours to the meetup. I better go post this now.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Last Night

sly,jc,me, originally uploaded by keksilang.

Last night was just what i needed. A moment to get out of the house and let loose with friends.

So i met up with Sly and JC, from my uni days. Once my lecturers, now good friends.

And I wish them all the best in their lives!

We hung around at Soho earlier but the music was too loud to have ANY form of conversation and i think i got unwanted attention because i was that shirt. I KNOW for a fact it wasn't my looks.

Bings! was such a relief from Soho. Way less people/wannabe's/loud-mouths/ etc...
Sorry if I'm mean, I'm not feeling well today...

Had the umm... what's it called again...

Oh yea, Caramel Mocahcino Ice-blended, I think.

That was GOOOOD!!!!!! *shivering drools*

Took that photo with the help from the staff at Bings! at 1 a.m thereabouts. Now That's service! We talked cock, like phones, gay sex shops, perfumes, people, Phd's, Dinner which they attended but i didnt, and digicam's.

That was yesterday.

Today, is well... Rather so-so. Usual stuff, church, food, hang out, dinner. Did went to buy some new DVD's. I haven't done that like months. Let's see, there's Cold Mountain, Resident Evil Apocolyspe, Incredibles, and Day After Tomorrow. Was actually contemplating on getting the Lover's Sex Intimacy Guide Volume 1-4 and Karma Sutra Guide DVD's but i had to budget. Plus, I dont think that would be any use considering my love life just got flushed down the septic tank.

Did chatted with Jezsiema on Yahoo. And I hate it when i try to send her some pic's, she cant receive it! I'd go slap some Yahoo techie right now. And mosquito's. I hate it when they bite in the most annoyibng places to scratch.

Damn. I'm still feeling empty.

EDIT 07-03-2005 1:04 am
I have no idea to fix the paragraph line thing. and i call myself an IT degree holder. *Slaps forehead*

Friday, March 04, 2005


sky, originally uploaded by keksilang.

Call me old fashioned but everytime when I look up and see something like this in the skies, it reminds me of heaven and God's grace, and for one moment, I felt comforted.

Happy Birtday To Ja!

Happy Birthday To Ja!
Happy Birthday To Ja!

Happy Birthday To JaJa - Binx!

Happy Birthday To Ja! Ja Binx!

Happy 21st Birthday, Jezsiema!

PS: Bakeries wouldn't let me take photo's of their cakes... :P

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Sad Revelation

originally uploaded by keksilang.
I got a shock from my parents.

Granny was asking me why do i look sad the pass few days... I quickly smiled, and talked about food. It was my way of protecting myself.

When my mum asked me later about it, I didnt want to answer. But she kept on talking ans asking me about it so I asked her since when did they noticed it.

Mum said since the Chap Goh Meh.

Man, even then i was putting on a happy face for my family! Guess I couldn't keep it to myself huh?

Chap Goh Meh was the day I found out that my ex was with another guy. My instinct knew that it was some one new, but I didn't want to hear it.

She broke up with me a long time ago but it still hurts bad. All this while I had been determine to get over her but it just hurts really, really bad. I didnt want to show it but somehow, it oozzed out.

When I answered mum that I remember what happened, she guessed it had something to do with my ex. She only asked if it was over and i nodded.

Mum: "Goodlah. It over so forget it lah. She's still young and why she's like this siao siao (carzy crazy) wan? Go steal someone's boyfriend and then dont want anymore?"

That's exactly what my mum said to me. Half of me wanted to agree. It wasnt her fault either. I should've been more steadfast and more mature/wise/knowledgeable/experienced/street-smart. I should've been more forgiving. There's a whole lot more "I should've have" but I just dont feel like it.

I now wonder who else saw through my mask? Not many I hope. I wouldn't want my friends to see me sad.

"You see me but you never notice me for I sadly wear a broken happy mask"

I think I shall use that as my signature. Funny how sadness and depression can be a spark of inspiration.

Funny Bones

I took a macro shot at a bunch of flowers called "Forget-Me-Nots", I think. Botany isn't exactly my strong point. And when I wanted to post them here, I realised that I had forgotten to bring the USB cable.


Oh well, there's always tonight.

In other news, I had the most HILLARIOUS Whew!!!

Boss just droppped in on me!

Right, most... hillarious... IM conversation ever with Jezsiema talking about boredom and cracks, and "drainage systems" and Christmas Trees and "Power Stations"/ "Twin Mounds" and Mobile Disco Toaster and drunk and sober while not under the influence of alcohol and excessive use of Yahoo!'s *Rolls On The Floor Laughing* emoticon's 1 time too many.

*Rolls On The Floor Laughing*

And today one of my colleagues treated all of us lunch (Feasting Ritual). Lot's of KFC stuff, like chicken (DUH!) mash potatoes, Cheesy Wedgies (That sounded wrong, somehow) coleslaw (YEAH!) Coke, Sprite and the entire 1st floor of the office now smells like it.

There's still enough leftover for tea break later...


Hope I can stay awake in class later

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Homour Me

"A ding ding ding ding dididing ding bing bing pscht,
Dorhrm bom bom bedom bem bom bedom bom bum ba ba bom bom,
Bouuuuum bom bom bedahm, Bom be barbedarm bedabedabedabeda
Bbrrrrrimm bbrrrrramm bbbrrrrrrrrraammmmm ddddddraammm,
Bah bah baah baah ba wheeeeeee-eeeee-eeeee!"

Link to that was here

I cant help it! Must be all that sugar running around my system! And it feels so good!

I'm like hyper active now..... And so i'll repost here. AGAIN!
"A ding ding ding ding dididing ding bing bing pscht,
Dorhrm bom bom bedom bem bom bedom bom bum ba ba bom bom,
Bouuuuum bom bom bedahm, Bom be barbedarm bedabedabedabeda
Bbrrrrrimm bbrrrrramm bbbrrrrrrrrraammmmm ddddddraammm,
Bah bah baah baah ba wheeeeeee-eeeee-eeeee!"

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First of Many to Come

Our Lady
Our Lady,
originally uploaded by keksilang.
I've been accepted into the Catholic church. And yes, I have taken my very first Holy Communion. It's strange really. I feel rather mixed. At peace because I want to be with God, but feeling depressed at the fact that my ex is there but we're no longer together. I'm happy but I'm still sad. I am so messed up, aren't I?

Ex was there because her mum is my sponsor, or in other words, my God-mother. At the end, we did talk and cleared up everything, i hope. I clarified that i never hated her, i was just so hurt and mad. And I am sorry for the things i said to her because she was mad at me for the things I've said before.

I tried with all my strength to concentrate on God but when you know that your ex is involved in it, it's hard. I wont deny it still hurts very bad, but all I can do now is ask God to show mercy on me should I deserve it and pray that I may find "her", or "she" may find me, whoever "she" is. Be it some one I knew or some one new.

I know this is a very joyous occasion and I am happy, up to a point. Yea, yea, I know. I trust God with my hurting heart He will heal me and take care of me. It's just that the pain is just so overwhelming. I pray that my faith will be strong always with God's help. And I have to let Him heal my heart. It is so painful now.