Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Sad Revelation

originally uploaded by keksilang.
I got a shock from my parents.

Granny was asking me why do i look sad the pass few days... I quickly smiled, and talked about food. It was my way of protecting myself.

When my mum asked me later about it, I didnt want to answer. But she kept on talking ans asking me about it so I asked her since when did they noticed it.

Mum said since the Chap Goh Meh.

Man, even then i was putting on a happy face for my family! Guess I couldn't keep it to myself huh?

Chap Goh Meh was the day I found out that my ex was with another guy. My instinct knew that it was some one new, but I didn't want to hear it.

She broke up with me a long time ago but it still hurts bad. All this while I had been determine to get over her but it just hurts really, really bad. I didnt want to show it but somehow, it oozzed out.

When I answered mum that I remember what happened, she guessed it had something to do with my ex. She only asked if it was over and i nodded.

Mum: "Goodlah. It over so forget it lah. She's still young and why she's like this siao siao (carzy crazy) wan? Go steal someone's boyfriend and then dont want anymore?"

That's exactly what my mum said to me. Half of me wanted to agree. It wasnt her fault either. I should've been more steadfast and more mature/wise/knowledgeable/experienced/street-smart. I should've been more forgiving. There's a whole lot more "I should've have" but I just dont feel like it.

I now wonder who else saw through my mask? Not many I hope. I wouldn't want my friends to see me sad.

"You see me but you never notice me for I sadly wear a broken happy mask"

I think I shall use that as my signature. Funny how sadness and depression can be a spark of inspiration.

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