Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Birthday and such

Today is Malaysia's 48th birthday.

I could do the mid-life crisis pun but.... meh.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Monday Monday

A few days back my machine had run into some hardware problems so no PC and no internet. It's back up and running fine, for now so to Terence:

Thanks dude!

Helped my dad to set up the microphone on the machine downstairs so my mum can call her sister's and chat. And my dad and I discussed about how to set up the rear speakers of the home theathre set. That and also about when and what colours to paint our house.

How confusing can a relationship get? Very, I should say, and not to mention quite frustrating at times. We all try and tried our best to understand the other and we try and tried to assure them of things. I'm just confused right now. And tired.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Caramel ice cream is good for me

Noticed one thing today. My camera couldn't take pictures well in low light.

I'm guessing it's either selling this one in favour of a new one or I really need to use flash if I wanna take night photo's. If the amount light is too low, "ghost" pixels start to appear. Only a few photo's were salvageable from last night's shooting. The rest had too much noise.

*sigh* At least I still have a camera so I'll just see what's the future has...

I know I was supposed to write something but I lost it somewhere in a mush pile that is my brain. Hmm... I supose I could reccomend this to you guys, especially those who are into illustrations and graphics stuff. That's about it.

Last night was fun. When my laughter sounds like a hyena and my sides hurts and my eyes are watery, that's a good thing.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ponder moments

Just say "when" and you'll stop the pain of your life,
Bring it to an end.
Just say "when" and you could make amends
Just say Hello, say Hello again...

Excerpts from the lyrics Hello Again by Lost Prophets

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Curtesy from Jerome

nonsensical nonsense

It's been a while since I last updated my blog...

That's pretty much how my life is. Unassuming, average Joe, with a generous serving of awkwardness and a pinch weirdism (I coined that term so... :D)

Been making the effort to run at least twice a week. Contemplated on death and the ritual tied to bury the dead...

I'm not gonna say anything about the rituals on it since it's not my business, I'm just thinking on more about my own death.

Back then, I had this idea of setting my body on fire and dump the dust on the evening winds by the sea. That came from watching Arthur. You know, Sean Connery as King Arthur... Can't be sure of the movie title... but I remember the ending. King dies, body laid on woodpile, cast to the ocean/lake/big body of water and a sole archer shoot a flaming arrow at it to set it alight. Burn, flame, ash. Instant Cremation.

Then I had another reflect back on this dead stuff... Now, I'm considering either that, or just my Last Rite's and 6 foot deep under. Nothing extravagant. Though it would be cool, i think to have my body cremated and put inside a urn, right after I've been given the Last Rite's of course, and displayed at my kid's/grandkid's home. Hey, imagine the kids telling his friends:
"Hey guys, that's my great(to the power of n) grandpa right over there! Isn't that cool?!" I bet the friends would be in shock or in awe or just dang curious to open up and breath in my remains. Muahahahaha!

Yea, I think really weird things. And I talked to myself about this in my head before I got it all down. And all this sparked from watching the Discovery Channel on the topic of Afterlife.

Speaking of talking to myself, I did talked about changing my blog template before... I was thinking of taking the current one and just really strip it of the images and the current formats. I hope that's not illegal... PLease let me know if I am. Besides, I need to clean up my blog.

Speaking of cleaning up, I'm in the middle of cleaning up, categorizing, arranging, sorting, inventorizing and renaming all my stufff on my hard drive. Tons of documents, music, applications... My head is spinning! After which, I'm gonna do another clean format and re-partition my hard drives again. Oh, and I'm gonna get a new P3 processor soon. And as usal I'm gonna clock it. hehehehe...

Plus I found this gem! Go! Support them! And also, Anarchy Online! Sweet...

Went to see the doctor this morning regarding me cough. Gave me usual meds, antiobiotics galore and cough meds. I spit out blood today, so that's probalby why the doc said if the meds dont work, I'll need to get radiated to see if anything sinister is at work. Oh well... I'm suspecting its the blood form my gums. Yeah, I still haven't made the appointment to perform dental surgery on my teeth.

Oh well... Gotta go now. Take care eh.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Post-Lunch Action Report

QKY 8642,

Please go back to drving school.

Your parking stinks.

Thank you.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Wine, with a 'H'

Stupid memories! Stupid, stupid STUPID!

Annoying how old memories stir up things. A LOT of things. Shit, I cant believe I'm still this vunerable.


It was over a long time ago and I should've gotten over it. Damn it, just a glance of her can still mess me up bad. Stupid brain. Stupid whiny wailing emo episode. Stupid memories. Stupid shit.

I know her mum means well, I mean she's my god-mother when I joined the Catholic faith. But dang it, it still hurts. And I know her mum means well that I should go and visit them whenever I'm free but I can't bear to go back there and see her anymore. Not when this can still easily happen to me.

I bet they could see through my pitiful excuse that I was busy with work when the mum asked how come I haven't visited for a long time.

Sweetie, I know you're reading this. I'm alright dear. I know this will pass soon enough. I just need to keep my mind busy to not think of this. Oh and Happy Anniversary! It's been what, 5 months?

Getting back to work now. I'm gonna turn off the comment post on this one.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Royale Ramble...

I hate getting sorethroat, especially when I really need to use my voice box to teach.

On herbal "anti-sorethroat" candy treatment. It doesn't taste so bad actually.

2 Beef+Egg+Cheese burgers by the roadside stall and a homemade freshly squeezed orange juice for dinner last night was so worth it man!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Ramblings again

Let's see, 2 friends of mine got married a couple days back so congratulations to them.

Question now is (as mentioned by Jerome):

Who's next?!


Dang it! I hate this. Everytime I do something other than blogging my mind is churning blog-worthy material and when I'm here wrtiting it down, them (them as in my mentality churning idea) faucets get clogged.

I suppose wonder at the question of marriage, I suppose. No doubt I'll probably be blabbering it all off with no clear signs as to what I'm talking about. I suppose I could say I'm planning to tie the knot before I hit 30, maning to say I'll probably do that when I'm 29. But then again, plans like this never go through.

I mean face it. I was in previous relationship of some 6 years, quite turbulent, but still a good relationship to the point of both sides of the family like practically met. And then I had to do the dumbest move (aside from being a big time jerk that is). Milk gone sour.

Yes, yes I do have my moments of relapse but please, my blog, my rant. Hehe... So far keeping this episode confined to the cages of this blog. Speaking of cages, I was reading Marita's blog and when I saw the picture, I was like "OMG CUTE!!!!!"
*Yeesh! talk about squee-ing like a little boy* Then I took a closer look at the eyes. Now, I'm no psychologist nor having any special animal empathy but he/she looked like:

Kill me now.

Oh look, walking fresh meat that I cant sink my teeth into.

My home, my home. Is this my home? It can't be.

My freedom is dead. I have nothing left.

Food. Where's the food?

I'm bored.

Among other things, beside's blogging with a "Brain Off" sign, looking at the camera everytime the bell rings but there's no one at the door, reading other people's blog when I'm still writing mine, goes to show one thing. Bloody short atttention life-cycle.

I haven't seen my girl in what, 2 months? Wow. Pretty harsh if you ask me. This is my first ever long distance realtionship after all. Miss her. Though I am aware of the fact that people do read my blog (intentionally or not), jiwang-ness tends to ooze out. And no, jiwang-ness isn't exaclty a word in the English vocabulary but... *shrugs*

It's about 12:55 p.m now and I should be getting my food. Colleagues aren't here so I'm alone in this so-called 'visited' office. Like the living world isn't scary enough (lawsuit's, back-stabbing's, pressure, weird copycats, loans, marriage, kids, parents, divorce, rabid dogs/cats, God, etc..) the dead apparently finds it "fun" to haunt/scare the wits out of the living. *sigh*

Damn it. Still got nothing worth writing. OK-lah, I stop here now. Going to upload some pic's and email some pictures. Then going to get food before going back to do some actual work.