Friday, March 23, 2007


I've been lazy and preoccupied with work and the side-tracking that comes with it, and been busy reading web comics. LOTS of it. Web comics = My own productivity killer.

Check out No Pink Ponies here or on the side bar. And vote/support it. Heck, vote/support every comic site i got right there. :D

It still bites that the very moment you get your salary, you end up losing 9/10 or 7/8 or 6/7 or 5/6 or 4/5 or 3/4 or 2/3 or 1/2 of it by paying off bills and study loans and stuff you bought by credit, either the card or verbal credit. This bites.

Munchkin & Munchkin Fu tonight. Woo.... Unnatural Axe should come in next week, that'll be Mac's and Monky Business should be in next month.

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