Thursday, July 15, 2004


Ever wanted to exact revenge from 6 feet under? Well, now you can.
This site aims to help you out on your last days on earth. This site also enables you to store details like bank account, insurance policies, and a whole bunch of other stuff that needs to be taken care of once you're…. umm, well, D.E.D(ded!) As far as I know the site offers a 30-day free trial of their services but if you're still alive and kicking on day 31, you'll have to sign up for the paid service. But mostly, I personally it's a great way to get back at people you-don't-like-but-are-forced-to-like-anyway…. Best of all, you can even send a video message! Ah, revenge is so much sweeter now! Beware! All you who are on my people-I-hate-being-around-but-are-forced-to-put-up-with-it list! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

On another side of the story, remember the times when music was less law confusing? Back then, if you like what hear, you buy it & it's yours. No restrictions as to how many times you play it, where you play it and people were creative when it comes to leaving a mark to say "That's mine!" back then it was age of cassette tapes. TAPES! Ah, my Bon Jovi, Deep Purple, Scorpions, Dr. Alban, MC Hammer… Can't remember where I put those now. Chances are they're all moldy and beyond repair. Then came CD's, digital music & now, DVD-Audio. Of course not forgetting propriety format's (meaning Apple's can't play on Sony's & Sony's can't play Apple's) Now, music just didn't seem to be what it used to be. For me, I felt like it had lost that 'thing', that 'feeling'. Illegal music, Digital Rights Management, format's upon format's, music piracy, suing, music war, what next, clothing war, defining what we should wear & how we should wear it, food war, defining how we eat, how we cook, how we prepare? If there's a Breathing War, consider myself signed up for and I'll send all my haunted e-mail messages to every mailing address that I know of!
Even if there's legal music downloads, the price of owning one song for 3rd world countries like where I'm living now, it's still expensive. Sure, it's less than 1 British pound, or it's only $1 American dollar, but $1 American dollar is like, RM4 here & 0.99pence is like RM6+- here. Not only that, there's also the matter of secure transaction, download interruption's, and the I-cant-buy-1-song-but-an-entire-album-just-so-I-can-listen-to-that-1-song-that-can-be-played-only-4-times-and-I-cant-play-it-anywhere-else-except-on-the-machine-I-used-to-download-the-song.
However, despite all this negativity I have for all this, there are 2 thing's I'm grateful for this Digital Age:
1. MP3's. This is one of the greatest things that I can think of and I am grateful every day for it.
2. Ripping (CD ripping, you pedophile!). Another of the great things this age brings. No more losing my LO CD's to satanic scratches!
I haven't had coffee today. Yes, you've read it right. NO COFFEE?! It's my worst nightmare coming true. But why put myself through the torture, you ask? Well, after my medical checkup, the doctor couldn't find anything wrong with me. My B.P, heartbeat, breathing, digestive system's all turned out fine. But still, after asking me about my lifestyle, he recommended I should stop smoking, switch coffee to tea, stay away from Cola, and no beer or liquor. Currently under the medication he gave me, I have no choice but to follow, cause the last thing I want to hear is my symptoms develop into something more serious, & deadly. I could agree with the cigarettes & liquor part, but did he have to mention about my passion for coffee? So far, the tea I'm having is doing surprisingly well to cope with my coffee cravings. I can only hope I don't go into a severe craving relapse. Anyway's the chest pain that I've been having the past week is gone, for now, although I still have the need to take deep breath's cause I can feel a pressure on my chest everytime I inhale.
15 more days till my next paycheck. And I'm completely broke. Well, actually I still some small amount in my savings, and there's leftover in my wallet I took out from my emergency stash for my monthly spenditure, like bike petrol, phone reload credit's and the occasional outside meal, or snacks, or whatever… And I still need to get my Streamyx, my heat gun, and a Dremel equivalent cutting tool and also the raw material itself. I'm wondering if I should get the 4mm thickness or more… And I'm spending RM2.50 a day playing R.Y.L on a cyber cafĂ©. Oh well…

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