Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Burst comm protocol 840633

Dear visitor's, friends, blog-stalker's, stranger's, (insert kind here)

I am very sorry I haven't been blogging again for the past few days and when I do, it's usually crap.

So, my sincerest apologies to everyone. I hope your intelligence has yet remain untainted.

For some odd reason, I just had lost that spark in me to write my whiny, squeaky ass voice bitching and complaining here. Also, lately blogging to me feels like a chore rather than something i enjoyed to do. Yes, there is something wrong with my conciousness.

I'm still alive, breathing, living, and yes, my Unkymoods still pretty much the same and I still have no idea as to how to tell my parents that my girl's coming to stay with us for a month. And I have 6 more days till she comes here, which means I have about 3 days to come up with a plan to tell them. Why is this even a problem?

Double standard mum.

Playing Diablo 2: Lord Of Destruction again. I hope I will be able to come back to blogging again one day. Who knows? I just might have something good to post tomorrow! I just jinxed it, right?

Bye. -Burst comm terminated

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