Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hey All

I just got my tooth pulled yesterday. And I'm still bleeding, although it's not so much anymore. And no, I haven't felt dizzy/light-headed, yet. :D

That's 1 down or taken out, and 3 more to go. No. 2 is scheduled for a minor surgery at the General Hospital. Got to remember to stuff myself with food before that.

Anyways, I guess I could say I'm a blood-sucker since I had to swallow my own blood. Funny though, I can't really taste what's it like... Heh... *Weird, I am*

Gonna meet up with Jerome and Zack later for lunch at Hartz. I'm not sure why but that place, well, the branch at Sarawak Plaza anyway, always had this form of nostalgia for me. Maybe I was there when I was real small and haven't been in there since, or I went there again with my ex-girlfriend's family. Hmmm... Or maybe that the place has been there since I could remember as a kid and that place has rarely change since that 20 or so years of my life.

Oh and no picture's lately because:

1: Lazy to shoot.
2: Not sure of what to shoot.
3: Crazy training schedule this month, last month, and I predict next month as well.
4: Camera was lent to a colleague of mine to settle a dispute.
5: Camera sucks at night shot. Or I suck at night shot because I still haven't gotten the hang of it yet.

Oh and Land Of The Dead tonight! Yay! No-brainer flick! But then I'd probably go asking stuff like:
Why 99% of the human population died?
What about the animals?
What about the plants?
What caused this?
Can't they just aim for the head?
Even if there's only 1% of humanity left, Why can't they just nuke the heck out of the planet or leave for space?

Thinking.... pain... must switch to singing-in-my-head mode.

*It's the end of the world as we know it,*
*It's the end of the world as we know it,*
*It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine...* }Loopback

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