Saturday, February 18, 2006

Mindless chatter

Bloody hell. Currently my connection is just toying with me. As I write and chatted online, I must've been disconnected 3 times or more. I know for a fact taht it's nothing to do with my PC because I run regular checks on it for viral, spyware, malware and etc and I don't install anything that doesnt serve my purpose.

And besides, its the DSL lights on the modem that goes down for 3 second before it lights up again and that's how I figured that my WAN IP is changed again.

So what's new? Nothing much, supposed to get my replacement motherboard (papan induk, lol). Dad asked if I wanted to try out a hand as a salesperson in the travel agent line. Eh? But yeah, a jobs better than no job, I guess.

Is it just me or does the Times New Roman font looks... annoying? I don't about you guys but I just dont like how it looks. I have fallen in love with Arial. Cleaner to look at, I think.

Quote of the moment: Relationships is a life long journey of discovery

Speaking of relationships, it takes a lot of communication and continous stamping down of one's ego to make it work I think. I mean honesty and truth is always a good thing but when you dont like what you hear, it's a LOT of effort to swallow it and keep an open minded, all the while it feels like you've been kicked in the balls. Take it from some one (me) who's been in and out of it. Not pretty, but as long you can keep your cool and as long as the significant other can read the subtle body language and facial expression and not push it, yeah.

And how can a guy like me be sure, let alone confident to say some stuff about relationship. Well, past experience and looking at relationship from the looking glass view. And a lot of staying up late nights online gaming while thinking about it when my mind sees fit or even driving home slowly at late hours and thinking about it while keeping myself and my car out of trouble.

I clearly know that this entry is recently (rather) after the commercial procreation day and also if you think I'm subtly hinting at anyone in particular, no. I'm not. This post has been the product of my mind thinking about stuff for the last few months. Yes, months. Took me that long to write this short but then, that's just how my mind works. There are thing I should have not done and said and there are things i should have done and said but then, the damage has been done. All one can do is hopefully recognise it again before you stumble and fall. Crap, I dont even know what I'm saying. Night.

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