Monday, February 05, 2007

Card Game

No, no, I didn't start myself on a new card collecting craze. Though the illustrations on the Magic: The Gathering cards are awesome and are so worth being a collector's item. Nope, as much as I like to start collecting, I didnt.

Last night, while Dulcy & myself were at the shop waiting for the guys to turn up, I picked up a deck of UNO cards. Yeah, it's THOSE evil card game that never seems to end. ANd they have Hello Kitty imprinted on them... *Sigh*

Anyways, I taught her how to play the game, based on what i vaguely remember and guideline from the rules... Needless to say, she wasn't happy to lose at the tutorial stages. When the guys arrives, guys being Zack, Jerome and Iain, we got our drinks set, and started playing.

There were hiccups along the way cause I cant recall exactly how some of the cards are played and how they worked but at the end of the session, we've pretty much understand the gameplay.

Now, at the beginnign of our UNO game session, Dulcy won the first 2 runs. Some beginners luck for one who just started playing. And I lost miserably at the 1st take. *Card gods must have an issue with me*

Zack, well, for lack of better way to describe, was wailing and begging on the phone for Wee Na to come save him...

The last session, Iain finished first, followed by myself, then Dulcy, Zack & Wee Na. Now it was down to Jerome and Seng. From a game of discarding your cards on hand, it turned to "EAT MY CARDS! EAT IT!". That last session took about 30 minutes or so to finish and Seng won.

Question: Now that we all know that there are 2 decks of Hello Kitty UNO cards there, are we ever going back there?

My answer:
I'm a gonne git meself a pack'o'em UNO cards and card protectors (If they fit that is, and I'm blaming this anal card-protector-on-UNO-cards thing on Zack.) because they are evil, and comes in such a small package of evil gleeful scheming fun.
And yes, I think I'll go there still.

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