Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Best. Yellow. Signpost. Ever

Yesterday I was on my way back from work when I was behind this Kancil and saw something that tempted me real bad to take a photo of it but I wouldnt want to be road kill so this'll have to do:


Oh and apparently there's a silver Mercedes Benz belonging to... well, QK666. Poor guy must've traded his soul for that. Nice trade anyway. Silver Benz wor....

Oh and allow me to congratulate myself. (hey, at least I'm not narcissist!) Why? I'm not the kind of person that can hold a conversation for long periods of time but yesterday night, I was able to talk to Azreen for a whole 6 hours! *yay!* *beaming joy*


My personal best. Oh and that was just me and her (well, another friend did came by but he only stayed for a short while) and usually in this kind of situation I can get cat-caught-my-tongue moment. Even in groups do I usually talk much. I do participate in the talks but I mostly listen.

And another reason I take pride in this is that most of my friends like Mac, Raven, Shook, Jerome, Wena, these guys can seriously hold a conversation and yes, I feel a bit of an envy because they can converse well. Still, I'm glad I listen well, and now, even when I thought I couldn't, I can manage to hold a conversation on my own.

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