Thursday, April 07, 2005

The Things That go *Bump* In The Night

Hung out with friends at the Great Kitchen again. Though I wonder if the kitchen is worth anything great to mention at all. Now I'm trying to get as much down as I can in 30 minutes because then I'll have to get back to class.

Met Rin's friend. I never got to know her name, and I'm not really used to introducing myself. Not that I am stuck up or anything like that, just a little shy. Her friend's cool. I should try to at least properly introduce myself to new people next time.

Note to Self: Don't be shy about introducing yourself to new people.

Other than that, it's always nice to hang around with them. Though I was rather quiet. And Rin had fascination for fire. No, she's not a pyromaniac, at least, I dont think so. But in any case, I had a slight burn on my right elbow. It'll heal.

Oh, and Mac wrote Rin on his latest post. I have a sudden feeling of dejavu. It's like writing a testimonial for some one on what Rin would refer to "The Demonic Tool Known As Friendster", only it's not a testimonial, and it's not on Friendster.

*scratch face*

Since I have somewhat of 10 minutes, I'll just about my friends. First of:
Rin. Shook's youngest sister. Cute, perky, fiesty (in a totally non perverted sense!), one heckuva sense of humor. And she's cool. Typical local guys wouldn't last a day with her.

Mac. Macdyne mac. Known him since back in my Uni days. Now has long hair and he really does look like a Native American. He's better off than he was. Seriously, try blogging. Does wonders.

Aw dang it. Class started. Gotta go. Be nice people.

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