Thursday, February 03, 2005

OOOH!! I'm too angst to come out with a title!!!

Let's see.
my friends blog entry was STOLEN!!!





I was checking my blog and there was a comment from a friend of mine. Her post, Thinking Too Much was dated december 27th, 2004. 2 days later, a clone/rip-off/pirate/duplicate/copy/(insert more here!) reared its BEE-hind here!
You can read more about it from mac's page.

I mean, seriously, kids, stealing is not good. period. and if you just HAD to rip some one else's blog, i'd suggest u go firewalking. same high, without the kind of shit you get yourself into when you steal's someone else's post. Either that or you could ACKNOWLEDGE the author FIRST! TREE FUCKER.

AND another thing.
Just what is so damn hard about blogging? As can clearly be seen, mac had problems with it.
Neither do i.
today wasnt so bad. i woke up rather late because me phone alarm couldnt work. thanks to granny, i woke up and got ready and left the house. by the time i got there i was already 30 minutes late. thankfully the boss was in a good mood. nothing much happened today except the usual pranks from my colleague about me and my female colleague having a relationship and stuff.

I am looking foward to teaching the Flash MX and 3D Studio Max software sometime after chines new year. It's been too long i haven't touch any of the software so it would be nice to sharpen my skills again.

On the way back however, i NEARLY got myself into an accident with a green wira. Too bad i didnt take down the license plate or otherwise i'd gleefully post it up here. speaking of which this is to every obnoxious, self-centered kuching driver's out there(you know who u are):

DONT take the Middle road. It's divided into lanes for a FUCKING REASON. If you're gonna cut, for the love of it CUT! Dont just move. stop. move. stop. ponder. move. stop. move. emergency brake! and if you're the easy driver there's the LEFT lane! Right Lane are for people who are chasing time! you could save some one's life if u let them use the FASTER RIGHT LANE. But thankfully i got home in 1 piece and here i am blogging it to you.

See?! That wasn't hard. AT ALL!!!
And if you cant write some thing, then dont! Go do something else, like browse the internet, play games, read a book, take a walk, watch tv, do house chores. Who know's you just might find something to blog about it later.

Blog's are a place where in my opnion people can share their thought's, keep in touch with friends and perhaps meet other fellow blogger's. I sometimes use this to keep a diary of my life so when i look back, i know i've been there before or some shit like that. They're NOT to be ripped without CONSENT from the author.

Argh! i. am. so. pissed.

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