Friday, January 28, 2005

I Got Stuff To Say

And I'm bored.
Hmm. Better get to writing this.
Today is my neurotic spasm day. And yes I made that up. I hate typing on my keyboard. It's cheap, plastic-ky cheap and i cant type fast enough to keep up with what my mind is going through.
Let's start it off with some of the things that had happened in my life that I should keep in here so I wont forget.

had a good long talk with a close friend of mine (Note: close)whom she considers herself as my mean big sister.
i will never figure out what the fuck is it with women and making guys who like them but they only like them like a relative. i.e. brother. No offense. I'm hungry.
And i do like her. Back then. I still do like her, but i can accept the bro-sis relationship from her. *shrugs*. But there are some that i just cant accept. Even after for so long. And please, next time, don't use that reason. i cant think properly again. Hungry.

A student of mine, married, middle-aged lady gave me a suprise present; chocolate candy bar! Hehe. That really made my day. I should note that I'm impressed that she's still has got her figure(Yea,I checked her out. fucking. moron.). In any case, this may seem trivial to you all but I dont, in fact, I never really received good things. Worse, I tend to forget. Now I can blog the world and to myself as a reminder about it so I can say to myself:
"See?! Life ain't so fucking bleak?! you fucking idiot!"
Stomach is hungry. Maybe should get an apple. Shouldn't have eaten the candy bar so soon.

On a sadder, more serious note, I heard really sad news about my friend last night.
Let that be a lesson to me that if I DO ever get into a state of fucking depression; AGAIN. That I can come to the sense that there are other people who are in more shitty situation than I am. SO STOP FUCKING WHINING. Tree fucker.
Am holding off hunger pains with lots of plain water.

And another thing. i will NEVER figure out why is it that when some one breaks up and then they go saying:

"I hope we'll still be friends"
I fucking hope you go fuck a tree. If you want to go crush some poor soul's heart, just fucking do it. You. Fucking. Moron.

"I hope we'll stay in touch"
And if you dont ever want me in your eye-poo sights, dont say it. "Oh! Hi. Sorry to run on you ya, but i gotta go to the loo." Go fuck a tree.
And if you want to erase my very existence out of your 'life', try saying, oh, I dont know: "I don't want to see you. Now." Seriously, That sounded a LOT easier to understand. Fucking moron.

"I hope you'll call me sometime"
*phone ringing*
*Hi. How's everything?*
*Whose this?*
*It's me, remember?*
*Oh. you.*
And then you go change your mobile and get everyone to say that you're busy with solving the pollution problem everytime that person calls who's just asking how the FUCK are you FUCKING doing. Go fuck a tree.

I am still very hungry.

On an unrelated stuff. Pandungan road is closed and the audio guys were testing out the setup by playing Hokkien song.
I dont know whether to be proud of that or to suffer the just-plain-sucked singer singing some humorously humilliating stupid song. Face it. It just plain sucked to me.
Plus, I only had 3 hours sleep today and there's enough coffee in me to get me go hump a tree in a mental state of stupor (But let's not go THERE.) and they're FUCKING blaring it in the middle of my class. I can imagine my fist up the fuck's ears and yanking out his auditory organ's before i shake his brains out like how i get my chilli sauce. Shaking hard.
Mmmm.... Chilli sauce.

And when i finally closed the shutters of the office(ironic isn't it that the new guy - me; gets to be the LAST guy to go?) I saw the most beautiful sight; at that time.
A freaking huge bottle of Otard X.O! And next to it; Mexico's Tequila!
*shaking uncontrollably*.

Stuff coming into focus now. Right after i had finished my class, i was online with friends and we were talking bout stuff and what not and when we got to the serious stuff(love, hate, emotions, bla bla bla) she quoted this from another friend of ours:

Add Life To Your Live and NOT Age.
Wise words indeed. And with all my mentality-spring-cleaning-crap going on, i could use this as my mantra.
Or not.

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