Saturday, January 22, 2005


Actually this post was supposed to be done this morning but blogger was acting up. Anyways, I was checking my mail and just as I was about to delete my junk mail, this caught my attention:

Yes, I too went "WTF'S?!"
I mean, of all the weird stuff spam mail I got, this HAS got to take the cake of the weirdest tagline! EVER!
By the way, if I hadn't said already, MUSE ROCKS! Currently listening to their Micro Cuts song. Man, how did he get that voice?
I'm staying up late again tonight. Got notes to finish, testimonial's of friends to write, message to sent, coffee to drink, need a shower, blogs to write, blogs to read and comment, class prepping to do, complaints to make, wandering thoughts to catch, and etc....
But for now, shower. BADLY.

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